Valderiz Ribera del Duero DO 2021 (Organic)

By | February 22, 2025

酒莊 Winery:
產區 Wine Region: 西班牙杜羅河岸 Ribera del Duero DO, Spain
葡萄品種 Grape Variety: 95% 丹魄 Tempranillo, 5% 阿爾比略 Albillo
陳年潛力 Cellar: 3-9 年/years (2024-2030)
酒度 Alcohol: 14.5%
評分 Ratings:
– Tim Atkin 93
– Guia Penin 91
釀造工藝 Vinification:
自1960年代起,該家庭式酒裝就以實踐有機耕作而名聲大噪。現今已採取更嚴格的生物動力法來培植果實,杜絕所有化學肥料、農藥的使用,以保留果實最天然的風味作釀酒。這款丹魄只收割年齡超過25嵗的老樹果實,酒液同時經(80%)法國木桶和(20%)美國木桶 (5成為新桶), 長達20個月的陳釀期才作混兌,得到最純淨細緻的品種風格。
This family winery is among the pioneers of organic farming in the region since 1960s. Today vines are tended according to the strict guidelines of Biodynamic Agriculture, absolutely no artificial wine-making additive is their trademark. The grapes for this pure Tempranillo are sourced from vineyards more than 25 years old, matured both in French oak (80%) & American oak (20%), for which 50% new oak for 20 months helping to preserve the nose and the purity of the fruit.
品酒筆記 Tasting Notes:
– 酒體呈櫻桃紅,濃郁,邊緣帶有亮藍色。
– 礦物質氣息十分突出,帶有成熟乾果的優雅香氣。
– 烘烤味道、水果和橡木之間有良好平衡。
– 口感豐富,成熟度極佳,圓潤均衡,餘韻悠長、持久
– 一款具有明顯礦物質特徵的清爽葡萄酒
–  It has red cherry colour with high density with brilliant bluish rim.
–  In the nose the minerality stands out along with elegant scents of matured dried fruits over
–  Toasty undertone, a good balance between fruit and oak.
–  On the palate, it is meaty with very tasty ripeness, rounded and perfectly balanced, and long lasting
–  A refreshing wine with a marked mineral character.

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