Monthly Archives: July 2018

Domaine Du Trillol Rouge 2014

產區 Wine Region: 法國科比埃Corbieres, France 葡萄品種 Grape variety: Grenache, Syrah 陳年潛力 Cellar: 3-8 年/years (2017-2022) 品酒筆記 Tasting Notes: 有灌木和温暖土壤等香氣,略带杏仁收結。 口感圆润而充滿果香,優雅的酒體結構 The nose is a concentrate of scrubland and warm earth, with a slight note of almond complement. The palate is round and fruity, supported by an elegant structure

Marquis de Goulaine SVB 2017

產區 Wine Region: 法國羅亞爾河谷 IGP Val de Loire, France 葡萄品種 Grape variety: 100% 長相思 Sauvignon Blanc 陳年潛力 Cellar: 1-2 年/years (2018-2019) 品酒筆記 Tasting Notes: 優質餐酒推介,婚宴派對首選;釋放清新鵝莓、割草氣息;果香純淨集中,收結清爽宜人,充滿活力; It has intense aromas of gooseberries and freshly cut grass; fresh and vibrant in the mouth with zingy acidity and leafy hints coming through on the finish; a pure, youthful… Read More »

Penfolds Grange 2010

產區 Wine Region: 澳洲南澳 South Australia, Australia 葡萄品種 Grape variety:96% Shiraz, 4% Cabernet Sauvignon 陳年潛力 Cellar: 10-25 年/years (2020-2035) 品酒筆記 Tasting Notes: 木桶發酵帶來的蜜餞甜味,與泥炭,碘,綠橄欖等香氣混和在一起。 口感濃郁,厚重的酒體。帶有肉類和飽滿的燉梅,波森莓,藍莓。 An immediate barrel-ferment propulsion sweet and candied, with a peaty, iodine, green olive base. The palate is dense, with a paste-like texture and weight.with basted meats and saturated stewed plum, boysenberry,… Read More »

Pagliaia Chianti Classico Riserva 2013

產區 Wine Region: 意大利經典奇揚地 Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy 葡萄品種 Grape variety: 100% 桑嬌維賽 Sangiovese 陳年潛力 Cellar: 4-10 年/years (2017-2023) 釀造工藝 Vinification: 歷史性酒莊Villa La Pagliaia自18世紀創立,位於意大利中部名產區托斯卡納,數百年來保持傳統釀造工藝,生産經典且優質的指標性佳釀。一款高分進階版桑嬌維賽紅酒,適合現在飲用或作數年陳存演化;長達24個月木桶悉心蘊藏帶來更細緻、濃郁的酒香。 Villa La Pagliaia was built during the 18th century, a historical estate dedicated to produce classic, highly acclaimed Tuscan wines for centuries. A high level reserved Sangiovese both suited for now… Read More »

Jaun de Alzate Crianza Rioja 15

產區 Wine Region: Rioja DOCa 品種 Grape variety: Tempranillo, Graciano, Mazuelo 陳年潛力 Cellar : 2-7 years (2017-2022) 釀造工藝 Vinification: 現由家族第三代成員管理的精品酒莊。莊園持有的果園中,45%的葡萄樹齡已超過80嵗,珍貴的老樹果實配合全新的釀造設施和技術,打造出Juan de Alzate單一產區旗艦系列。一款經18個月橡木桶陳釀、6個月入瓶演化的進階級丹魄; 不銹鋼桶恆溫發酵;較現代化的酒風充分展現老樹齡品種的獨特風味。 This family business is run by the third generation of vinegrowers in the region. 45% of their vines were planted 80 years ago, with the new winery and technology. A Tempranillo dominated… Read More »

Prelude a Grand Puy Ducasse 2015

2nd wine of Château Grand-Puy Ducasse (5eme Cru Classes) Region – Pauillac AOC Grapes – 60% Cabernet Sauvignon / 40% Merlot Tasting Notes 18 months matured in French oak barrels; blackcurrant fruit with firm tannins, shows elegance and harmony. 18個月法國木桶陳釀;帶有黑加侖子的濃郁果香,結構扎實,酒體平衡優雅,容易入口

Hospices De Colmar Riesling 2016

產區 Wine Region: 法國亞爾薩斯 Alsace, France 葡萄品種 Grape variety: 100% 雷司令 Riesling 陳年潛力 Cellar: 1-3年/years (2017-2019) 釀造工藝 Vinification: 始於1255年,Hospices De Colmar是產區最古老的葡萄園之一,現由酒莊 Domaine Viticole de la Ville de Colma管理,釀造出該產區最經典優質的白酒。果實全部收割自自家老樹葡萄,細緻、複雜、無暇的出色品質,濃郁豐盈的口感加上礦物氣息展現最動人的風土特性。 Founded in 1255, the prestigious vineyard of the Hospices De Colmar is a historical heritage and is now cultivated by Domaine Viticole de la Ville de Colmar… Read More »

Bovier & Fils Chablis 1er 2016

產區 Wine Region: 法國夏布利Chablis 1er Cru, France 葡萄品種 Grape variety: 100% Chardonnay 陳年潛力 Cellar: 1-4 年/years (2016-2019) 品酒筆記 Tasting Notes: 典型的夏布利白葡萄酒:清新,清爽,果味濃郁帶有香草和礦物味。酒氣芳香,收結悠長 The bouquet is typical of French white wines: fresh, light and fruity with very little vanilla & mineral flavor. Good aromatic strength, good length