Monthly Archives: July 2024

Beauvignac Chardonnay, Cotes de Thau IGP 2023

酒莊 Winery: Les Costieres de Pomerols 產區 Wine Region: 法國奥克區 Pays d’Oc, France 葡萄品種 Grape variety: Chardonnay 陳年潛力 Cellar: 1-3 年/years (2024-2026) 酒度 Alcohol: 13.5% 品酒筆記 Tasting Notes: -成熟的桃子,木瓜,番石榴,芒果和菠蘿香氣。 -天鵝絨般的口感,帶成熟的梨子和桃子等果味,杏子和芒果及輕微橡木桶等收結。 – Perfume of ripe peach, papaya, guava, mango and pineapple. – Velvety chubby in the mouth, with a play between ripe pear and peach, flirting… Read More »

Laurent Dupatis Chablis Vaillons Premier CRU 2022

酒莊 Winery : Laurent Dupatis 產區 Wine Region: 法國布根地夏布利 Chablis, Bourgogne, France 葡萄品種 Grape variety: 100% 霞多麗 Chardonnay 陳年潛力 Cellar: 2-10 年/years (2024-2032) 酒度 Alcohol: 13% 品酒筆記 Tasting Notes: – 梨和杏子香氣 ,酒體濃厚 – 帶有蜜糖德長而且醇厚的餘味, 與奶油煮魚或醃料,梭子魚,龍蝦 – 有良好的陳年潛力 – Aromas of pears, apricots – Very round, with remarkable length – Honeyed, mellow note finish – Ideal with fish… Read More »