Monthly Archives: March 2015

Glenelly ‘Lady May’ 2011

Region – Stellenbosch Grapes – 85% Cabernet Sauvignon, 10% Petit Verdot, 5% Merlot 評分 Wine Spectator – 90 / Wine & Spirits – 90 Tasting Notes Complex notes of raspberries contrast the tea leaf, and thyme; medium to full-body, the palate offers powerful chewy tannins and a silky savoury finish 覆盆子的清新伴隨茶葉、百里香等複雜層次;中至豐滿酒體帶來厚實結構,收結卻如絲綢版柔順

Glenelly ‘The Glass Collection’ 2013

Region – Stellenbosch Grape – 100% Chardonnay 評分 Wine Spectator – 88 Tasting Notes Complex aromas of citrus, lime zest, marmalade and melon; round, comforting texture with wonderful length and intense fruit complexity, a mineral finish 帶有柑橘、青檸、橙子醬、蜜瓜等果香;入口柔順清新,收結隱含海洋礦物氣息

Glenelly ‘The Glass Collection’ 2012

Region – Stellenbosch Grape – 100% Cabernet Sauvignon 評分 Platter’s South African Wine Guide – 4/5 Tasting Notes Complex nose with flavours of cassis, blackcurrant, cherry, a touch of spices and chocolate; good tannin structure, perfect balance and length 酒香帶有黑醋栗、黑加侖子、車厘子等芬芳,伴隨絲絲香料及朱古力的濃郁口感;結構扎實平衡,回甘持久

Kangarilla Road ‘Devil’s Whiskers’ 2012

Region – McLaren Vale Grape – 100% Shiraz James Halliday 90 Aromas of spicy blackberry, eucalypt and floral notes integrated with fine French oak; flavours of mulberry, blueberry with light citrus notes 黑莓、由加利、鮮花等芬芳與法國橡木的幽香融會一體,口感柔順,散發紅桑子、藍莓、柑橘的清新活力

Kangarilla Road Shiraz 2012

產區 Wine Region: 澳洲麥拿倫谷 McLaren Vale, Australia 葡萄品種 Grape variety: 100% 西拉 Shiraz 陳年潛力 Cellar: 3 -10 年/years (2016-2023) 釀造工藝 Vinification: 成立自1997年的家庭式精品酒莊。這款西拉紅酒以產區優質果園的果實混釀而成,經新舊木桶長期陳釀以保持口感均衡。 A family-run boutique winery established in 1997.This wine is a sub-regional blend of several McLaren Vale vineyards. The pressed wine was aged in a combination of new French and American oak. 品酒筆記 Tasting… Read More »

Chateau Du Glana 2012

Cru Bourgeois (中級莊) Region – Saint Julien AOC Grapes – 55% Cabernet Sauvignon, 45% Merlot 評分 Wine Spectator – 90 James Suckling – 89 Tasting Notes 12 months aging in French oak barrels; medium bodied, refined tannis with notes of black cherry, plum, oak and tobacco; long, complex length 12個月法國木桶陳釀;中度酒體,丹寧順喉,帶有車厘子、黑李、橡木、煙草等氣息,收結複雜悠長

Castello di Monsanto “Nemo” Cabernet Sauvignon 2007

產區 Wine Region: 意大利托斯卡納 Toscana IGT, Italy 葡萄品種 Grape variety: 100% 赤霞珠 Cabernet Sauvignon 評分 Ratings: James Suckling 90 Wine Spectator 91 陳年潛力 Cellar: 8-20 年/years (2015-2027) 釀造工藝 Vinification: 成立自1962年的現代化精品酒莊,屢獲國際大獎及高分評價;自1964年起,成爲該產區釀造頂級單一葡萄園佳釀的先驅者,旗艦級酒款亦只會在最佳年份推出。單一葡萄園佳釀,採用最先進設備嚴控品質,不銹鋼桶恆溫陳釀,再經18個月橡木桶蘊藏期及12個月入瓶演化,新派珍藏級赤霞珠紅酒。 A modern wine estate with outstanding ratings since 1962. Monsanto produces the highly ragarded single-vinyard wine and available from 1964 only in the best vintages.… Read More »

Prelude a Grand Puy Ducasse 2011

2nd wine of Château Grand-Puy Ducasse (5eme Cru Classes) Region – Pauillac AOC Grapes – 60% Cabernet Sauvignon / 40% Merlot Tasting Notes 18 months matured in French oak barrels; blackcurrant fruit with firm tannins, shows elegance and harmony. 18個月法國木桶陳釀;帶有黑加侖子的濃郁果香,結構扎實,酒體平衡優雅,容易入口