Fei Tswei Marselan
年份 Vintage: 2018
产地: 宁夏贺兰山东麓葡萄酒产区,中国
Region: NingXia Helan Mountain’s East Foothill Wine Region, China
葡萄品种: 100%马瑟兰葡萄
Grape Variety: 100% Marselan
年产量: 16000瓶/年
Annual Production: 16,000 bottles/ year
酒精度 Alcohol: 14% vol
颜色: 宝石红带紫
Colour: Ruby Red with hint of purple
香味: 丰沛的红果气息及成熟水果香气, 伴着来自法国木桶陈酿的烟熏, 香草味, 香气张扬芬芳。
Aroma: Elegant strawberry, cherries and candies notes with some herbs in a creamy background.
口感: 酒体饱满, 酸度得宜平衡, 回味甚长。
Palate: Medium body with a leafy tone on the palate.
搭配食物: 优雅的马瑟兰干红,入口细腻柔和,搭配细腻肉质的食材,更能很好的相互映衬。例如鸡肉、羊肉,又或者新鲜的海鱼,海鲜类。
Food matches: The delicate and soft wine can be matched with and meat such as chicken, lamb, or fresh sea fish, seafood.