Fei Tswei Wines Lava White 2018

By | May 20, 2021

Fei Tswei Lava Chardonnay & Viognier

年份 Vintage: 2018

产地: 宁夏贺兰山东麓葡萄酒产区,中国
Region: NingXia Helan Mountain’s East Foothill Wine Region, China

葡萄品种: 70%霞多丽、30%维欧尼葡萄
Grape Variety: 70% Chardonnay, 30% Viognier

年产量: 16000瓶/年
Annual Production: 16,000 bottles/ year

酒精度 Alcohol: 12.5% vol

颜色: 浅黄色
Colour: Pale Yellow

香味: 采用传统发酵工业酿造使得它很好的保留了果香,呈现出柠类水果与热带水果的复合香气。
Aroma: The Lava Chardonnay & Viognier 2018 is undergone traditional fermentation method to keep the pure fruitiness. It shows some citrus and tropical fruits flavours.

口感: 酒体柔顺、口感清新愉悦。
Palate: The body is soft with refreshing palate.

搭配食物: 在冷藏过后的悦干白,配合海鲜作为料理,能很好的中和海鲜类肉质的咸腥味,同时不掩盖肉质的鲜美。与川味火锅搭配既能降低口腔的灼热感,又能烘托出酒品的热带水果复合香味。
Food matches: After chilling, this wine can pair with any seafood dish, which can make a good balance between the acidity, umami and the fattiness. Also, it can be served with hotpot, the fruitiness of the wine can calm the burning feeling in the month.


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