產區 Wine Region : 布根地玻瑪 Pommard AOC
葡萄品種 Grape Variety : 100% 黑皮諾 Pinot Noir
陳年潛力 Cellar: 2-9 年/years (2023-2030)
酒度 Alcohol: 13%
品酒筆記 Tasting Notes:
– 酒體呈深紅色,帶有甜美的紅色漿果香氣,略帶香料味;
– 口感溫暖圓潤,單寧細膩,回味悠長。
– The wine is dark red in colour and with an aroma of sweet red berries, mildly spiced;
– It is warm and round on the palate, with delicate tannic hints and long aftertaste.