產區 Wine Region: 意大利經典奇揚地 Chianti Classico DOCG, Italy
葡萄品種 Grape variety: 100% 桑嬌維賽 Sangiovese
陳年潛力 Cellar: 3-5 年/years (2016-2018)
釀造工藝 Vinification:
歷史性酒莊Villa La Pagliaia自18世紀創立,位於意大利中部名產區托斯卡納,數百年來保持傳統釀造工藝,生産經典且優質的指標性佳釀。一款標準入門級桑嬌維賽紅酒,適合日常飲用,經12個月橡木桶陳釀期,優質物值之選。
Villa La Pagliaia was built during the 18th century, a historical estate dedicated to produce classic, highly acclaimed Tuscan wines for centuries. A regular level Sangiovese for daily drinking, aged for 12 months in Slavonian oak casks before being bottled.
品酒筆記 Tasting Notes:
Aged for 12 months in Slavonian oak casks; scents of cherry and sweet violet and a fresh and fruity taste