Trossos del Priorat, 90 Minuts, Priorat 2022

By | May 9, 2024

酒莊 Winery: Trossos Del Priorat S.L.

產區 Wine Region: 西班牙普里歐拉 Priorat DOQ, Spain

葡萄品種 Grape varieties:

歌海娜 Garnacha, 赤霞珠 Cabernet Sauvignon, 西拉 Syrah

陳年潛力 Cellar: 2-6 年/years (2024-2028)

酒度 Alcohol: 14.5%

釀造工藝 Vinification:


Trossos del Priorat is founded 2004 and located in Gratallops where they own 21 hectares of organically farmed and certified vineyards. Made under the watchful eye of Toni Coca (Clos Galena, Vinyes Domènech), and the wines soon become the popular choices of international wine critics and connoisseurs. This wine ages 12 months in casks and another 10 months in bottle before being released for sale.

品酒筆記 Tasting Notes:
– 櫻桃色。 水果和新鮮香脂的香氣,淡淡的礦物香和甜香料的氣息。
– 口感油潤,輕鬆,清新,非常乾淨。 在鼻後有甜香料的味道。
– 可搭配羊肉
– Medium layer and cherry color. Aromas of fruit and fresh balsamic touches, light mineral notes and sweet spices.
– The mouth is unctuous, easy, fresh and very clean. In retronasal there are notes of sweet spices.
– Pairs well with lamb

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