產區 Wine Region: 澳洲南部 South Australia
葡萄品種 Grape variety: 100% 西拉
陳年潛力 Cellar: 2 – 4 年/years (2020-2022)
釀造工藝 Vinification:
由澳洲著名釀酒師兼國際級葡萄酒大賽評審John Quarisa創立的家庭式酒莊,旗下出品屢獲大獎及高度評價,當今澳洲人氣酒莊之一。暢銷“30里”系列,以鮮明果香作主導,容易入口且價格親民,適合在年輕時飲用的日常餐酒系列。
Established by acclaimed winemaker and International Wine Judge John Quarisa, this family winery has been awarded Australia’s top trophies. The wines of “”30 Mile range”” are bright, accessible and meant for early drinking.
品酒筆記 Tasting Notes:
帶有豐富黑梅子香味,入口感受到黑加倫子充滿口腔的活力, 餘韻精彩且長久
Aromatic notes and flavors of ripe black berries, lengthy finish