產區 Wine Region: 意大利皮埃蒙阿斯提Moscato d’Asti DOCG, Piemonte, Italy
葡萄品種 Grape variety: 100% 蜜思嘉 Moscato
陳年潛力 Cellar: 1-2 年/years (2019-2020)
釀造工藝 Vinification:
The first bottles of wine dated back to 1960, Pelissero is without question one of the top-tier estates in the region. Every wine is solid and well worth seeking out. The winery focused only on original varietals that are typical of their land, all the grapes are come from the 38 hectares that they own. A semi-sparkling dessert wine. The grapes are destemmed, crushed and pressed at low temperatures. The formation of foam inside under pressure steel cask, ends with under pressure bottling.
品酒筆記 Tasting Notes:
入口散發清新鮮花,蜂蜜等花果芬芳,氣泡綿密,略帶海洋礦物 氣息, 一歀甜度適中的氣酒; 配搭辛辣菜肴或餐後甜品更佳
White flowers , passion fruit, honey, mineral notes; medium sweet; semi-sparkling white wine