產區 Wine Region: 紐西蘭中奧塔哥 Central Otago, New Zealand
葡萄品種 Grape variety: 100% 黑皮諾 Pinot Noir
陳年潛力 Cellar: 4-7 年/years (2019-2022)
釀造工藝 Vinification:
Nevis Bluff酒莊是該產區釀酒業的先驅,以釀造優質黑皮諾紅酒而聞名於世,自推出第一個年份起已廣受各地權威的讚譽好評。酒液經100%天然蘋果乳酸發酵後,再經10個月法國木桶蘊藏期,得到更均衡柔和的口感。Nevis Bluff is one of Central Otago’s original Pinot producers. They gained instant recognition with the first commercial vintage and have since enoyed top accolades and excellent reviews. 100% went through malolactic fermentation. The wine was then aged in French Oak barrels for about ten months.
品酒筆記 Tasting Notes:
A typical of Central Otago Pinot, selected for service on Air New Zealand First Class; soft blackberry, spice and red fruit aromatics; densely flavoured mouth-feel showing dark fruit characteristics, elegance and suspense