Second wine of Chateau RAUZAN-GASSIES
酒莊 Winery: Chateau RAUZAN-GASSIES
Second wine of Chateau RAUZAN-GASSIES
產區 Wine Region: 法國波爾多上梅多克 Haut Medoc, Bordeaux, France
葡萄品種 Grape Varieties: 梅洛 Merlot, 赤霞珠 Cabernet Sauvignon, 小維鐸 Petit Verdot, 品麗珠 Cabernet Franc
陳年潛力 Cellar: 2-13 年/years (2015-2025)
酒度 Alcohol: 14.5%
品酒筆記 Tasting Notes:
– 在法國橡木桶熟成12個月。美麗的紅寶石色。
– 黑色水果的香氣,成熟而柔滑的單寧。
– 酒體豐厚和單寧的平衡精緻,帶來復雜的口感。
– Maturing 12 months in French oak barrels. Beautiful ruby color
– Deep and brilliant. Very expressive nose with aromas of black fruits, Lively and intense.
– On the palate, structure of ripe tannins with a round and silky attack.
– The matter is present, rich and full. The balance richly accompanied by high quality tannins is both delicate and complex.