產區 Wine Region: 西班牙胡米利亚 Jumilla DO, Spain
葡萄品種 Grape variety: 100% 歌海娜 Garnacha
陳年潛力 Cellar: 2-6 年/years (2017-2021)
評分 Ratings:
James Suckling 93
酒莊背景 About the Winery:
知名酒莊Casa Castillo於1870年由法國人創立,在1985年由Vincente家族收購並管理至今,致力釀造產區指標性優質葡萄酒。
Casa Castillo was built by French people in 1870, and finally bought by Vincente family in 1985. It wines are now benchmark of the region.
品酒筆記 Tasting Notes:
Aged in oak barrels for 12 months; red berry fruits with freshness and some wooden background; smooth, sweet and very nice mouthfeel