Laurent Dupatis Chablis Vaillons Premier CRU 2022

By | July 1, 2024

酒莊 Winery : Laurent Dupatis

產區 Wine Region: 法國布根地夏布利 Chablis, Bourgogne, France

葡萄品種 Grape variety: 100% 霞多麗 Chardonnay

陳年潛力 Cellar: 2-10 年/years (2024-2032)

酒度 Alcohol: 13%

品酒筆記 Tasting Notes:

– 梨和杏子香氣 ,酒體濃厚
– 帶有蜜糖德長而且醇厚的餘味, 與奶油煮魚或醃料,梭子魚,龍蝦
– 有良好的陳年潛力
– Aromas of pears, apricots
– Very round, with remarkable length
– Honeyed, mellow note finish
– Ideal with fish in cream sauce or marinade, pike, lobster or langoustes.

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