Southern Cross MT Carmenere 2023

By | August 14, 2024

Southern Cross MT Carmenere

年份: 2023
Vintage: 2023

产区: 中央山谷,智利
Region: Central Valley, Chile

颜色: 呈深红色,带有紫色的光泽。
Colour: Deep red color with violet highlights.

香味: 具有浓郁的黑莓和烟草香味,并带有些许香料味道。
Aroma: The nose shows expressive notes of blackberry, blond tobacco and a spicy touch.

口感: 酒体中等,入口柔滑,单宁平衡,鼻子感受到的各种香气在口中完全释放后,口感怡人。
Palate: With a smooth mouth entry, the palate confirms the nose’s flavours and shows medium body, well-balanced tannins and a pleasant finish.

搭配食物: 意大利肉汁烩饭
Food matches: Risotto

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