產地 Region: 法國是拉蘭德-波美侯Lalande-de-Pomerol AOC, France
葡萄品種 Variety: 梅洛 Merlot,
陳年潛力 : 3-6 years (2020-2022)
品酒筆記 Tasting Notes
– 佩倫堡(ChâteauPERRON)是產區葡萄酒的完美代表
– 黑梅洛主導,具有圓潤,光滑的黑色水果香氣,如黑櫻桃,黑莓和黑加侖。
– Château PERRON is the perfect representative of a wine from the Lalande-de-Pomerol appellation,
– A dominant black merlot, it boasts a well rounded, smooth, black fruit aromas such as black cherry, blackberry and blackcurrant.
– The principle of drinkability and freshness in this wine gives it a character very suitable for any tasting moment.