Vasse Felix Shiraz 2012

By | April 7, 2016

VAS-02產區 Wine Region: 澳洲瑪格麗特河 Margaret River, Australia

葡萄品種 Grape variety: 100% 西拉 Shiraz

陳年潛力 Cellar: 5-6 年/years (2020-2021)

評分 Ratings:
James Halliday 93
The Wine Front 91

品酒筆記 Tasting Notes:
1967年創立明星酒莊, 西澳佳釀指標;散發經典黑胡椒、橄欖、車厘子氣息;入口均衡和諧,優雅細緻的悠長韻味
Established in 1967, pioneer and founding wine estate of Margaret River; a benchmark Shiraz, aromas of blackpepper, black olive and cherries; medium weight, elegant refined mouthfeel; excellent length

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