產區 Region: 澳洲巴羅莎山谷 Barossa Valley, Australia
葡萄品種 Grape variety: 100% Bastardo
酒度 Alcohol: 18.5% alc/vol.
評分 Rating: James Halliday 83
品酒筆記 Tasting Notes:
一款美麗的砵酒,由罕見的葡萄牙葡萄品種“Bastardo”釀製而成。 這種濃郁的深紅櫻桃和成熟的草莓,強烈的酒精和糖果般的甜美。 在橡木桶中陳釀僅2年。 這個木桶陳釀的高醇度的砵酒添加一個全新的口感
A beautiful ruby style fortified wine made from the rare Portuguese grape variety Bastardo”. This fortified is deep with red cherry and cooked strawberry, with high alcohol and high, sour candy acidity. Aged for only 2 years in oak. This fortified will add a whole new dimension to a port barrel.